Texas Homeless Network

education, resources, and advocacy

VISTAs in Action

Spotlight Post: AmeriCorps in Acton
Salvation Army Food Distribution

Author: Brenda Larsosa

Brenda standing in front of a mural at the Salvation Army I’m currently serving as an AmeriCorps Coalition and Coordinated Entry Coordinator for the City of Texarkana. When The Salvation Army of Texarkana, a fellow member of the Texarkana Homeless Coalition, recently expressed a need for assistance with their food box distribution program during the COVID-19 pandemic, I felt obligated and intrigued to volunteer as an active AmeriCorps member.

The Salvation Army of Texarkana serves many crucial needs for people in Texarkana and surrounding communities and they have a great disaster relief infrastructure plan set up to accommodate our community whenever needed. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Salvation Army of Texarkana has donated more than 300 boxes of food to those in need through a contactless drive-thru area at their clothing store. Each Wednesday, I assist in boxing and storing over 100 boxes of food and each Friday, myself and another volunteer work the drive-thru to hand out food to the individuals and families in Texarkana who need it most.

Volunteer boxing canned goods in the food distribution warehouse.It’s such a thrill for me to assist in this endeavor. I’ve been an AmeriCorps member for almost five years, traveling to various states for each assignment, which has inspired me to step up and serve when there’s a “call to duty”. I’m very proud of my AmeriCorps service and proud to step up and represent AmeriCorps by volunteering to serve in efforts such as this that are not part of my AmeriCorps service.


Are you interested in serving your community?

Learn more about our AmeriCorps Project now.

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