Public Comment Portal
The public is invited to make comments via the Public Comment Portal, at meetings when the draft or proposed version of a document is under consideration, or by submitting comments in writing during applicable public comment periods to THN via the online form. letter, fax, or email, as directed in each document.
Each item open for public comment is accompanied by a cover page, listing the contact person for that document and instructions for submitting public comment.
TX BoS CoC staff at Texas Homeless Network (THN) will tailor the public comment process to the item that will be open for introduction or amendment. The guiding principle of the process is making the proposed changes and their potential implications accessible and understandable.
Public comment may be solicited and accepted in a number of ways:
- Posting information and documents on THN’s website
- Conducting an online/electronic survey
- Accepting written comments by mail or email
- Consulting during a CoC General Meeting
- Holding a webinar about the changes and soliciting input from attendees
- Reviewing the proposed changes and seeking feedback at pertinent group meetings (for
example, CoC committee meetings, LHC meetings, and partner agency meetings)
In general, public comment should be directed to the person listed as the contact person in the document.
Tips for Generating Good Comments
- Read the document thoroughly
- Be concise but support your claims
- The support for your claims should be based on sound reasoning, scientific evidence, and/or how you will be impacted
- Address trade-offs and opposing views in your comment
- There is no minimum or maximum length for an effective comment
- If you are commenting on a specific question, please include the page and/or section title in your comment
- Focus on content, not on formatting
THN will provide reasonable accommodations and language assistance. For those seeking assistance, please contact Mary Stahlke, Asst. Director of Engagement, at
The information provided on this page is provided as a courtesy for informational purposes only, and nothing on this page is either a legal opinion or a complete statement of the laws or administrative rules of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). In any conflict between this information and U.S. or Texas laws or administrative rules, the laws and administrative rules shall prevail.