Texas Homeless Network

education, resources, and advocacy


Welcome Secretary Marcia Fudge!

Welcome Secretary Marcia Fudge! By: Nick Thompson Texas Homeless Network would like to extend our warmest welcome to incoming Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Marcia Fudge.  It is our hope that under Secretary Fudge we can work together to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring and expand affordable, accessible housing options in Texas and[…]

Unsheltered PIT Count Cancelled, But Our Work Continues

Unsheltered PIT Count Cancelled, But Our Work Continues By: Kyra Henderson Every year the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) mandates communities to conduct the Point-in-Time (PIT) Count, which aims to provide a snapshot of those experiencing homelessness over the course of one night. Not only is this a data-gathering initiative, but in many[…]

Eviction Protections Extended for Two More Months

Eviction Protections Extended for Two More Months By: Nick Thompson The new incoming Center for Disease Control (CDC) director Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH under the Biden-Harris administration extended the current moratorium for evictions until “at least” March 31, 2021. President Biden is calling on Congress to pass a longer eviction moratorium tied with substantial rental[…]

We Need Action Now: What We Want to See During the 87th Texas Legislative Session

We Need Action Now: What We Want to See During the 87th Texas Legislative Session By: Nick Thomspon With more than 27,000 people experiencing homelessness, millions of people at risk (or currently) facing eviction proceedings, and the pandemic raging on the Texas Legislature must take significant steps to address the housing needs of Texas communities. […]

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